Yesterday was tree planting day with the tree club. We met in the morning and went over how to plant a tree properly. They dug square holes, it's easier for the roots to spread this way, filled the bottom of the hole with compost soil from the nursery and planted their trees. Some of the girls had a very hard pan they hit while digging and used more compost soil in their holes in hope of giving the tree a stronger start to spread their roots. The size of trees ranged from a very small Passion Fruit vine to a great big Nandi Flame, but they all dug their own holes and feel proud of their trees. There are still a few more trees to plant, which is lucky as some girls came out of the woodwork interested in planting trees (yayyyy!), that we'll plant later this week. Now it's a matter of maintaining the trees health and labeling them so everyone who comes to the school knows what the tree is, who planted it and in what year. Already the school looks a touch more finished and someday will be a shady oasis. Here are some pictures of the big day!
A very small passion fruit vine. We'll trellis it to the school as it grows. |
Two of the girls with the Nandi Flame. |
A freshly planted Teclea. |
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