Saturday, February 26, 2011

spring, space and seeds

Spring has been teasing us as of late in Ontario. It's here for a day, then the snow flies. That means it's time to start thinking about the garden. I myself, don't have anywhere to start a garden, but am lucky enough to have a friend whose landlord is keen on growing delicious fruits and vegetables in their apartment yard. If you're in the same situation as I was and not having a space to grow food outside, fear not there are networks to help you. Have a look on for your city. This website lets you see where people are that have yards and don't have time or interest in gardening. But would be willing to let other people like you, who don't have somewhere to garden, use their space to grow. How convenient!

Another exciting step that can be taken at the moment is looking through seed catalogues and considering what you might be interested in growing this season. This is a really fun part of the gardening experience. With numerous heirloom seed catalogues available, you will be shocked and amazed at the variety of vegetables that you may not have even know existed. Remember that in order to have a variety of species, it's important to put your money towards supporting companies that reject genetically modified seeds. Past generations have worked hard to save seeds that are nutritious, hardy and capable of reproducing seed. It's important to respect this part of our history and support the companies that are fighting to keep seeds that stay true and can reproduce to provide food for our future.

These are two of my favourite catalogues at the moment.

Shortly you'll be mapping out your garden, starting seeds inside and testing your soil to decide what you may need to add and where you'll place different plants. In a matter of months you'll be eating delicious produce from your own garden.

Throughout the next few weeks I'll be updating you on what we're doing to achieve the most productive, efficient garden we can. Stay tuned!

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